FDM International - Slovenia - Modul 1

FDM International - Slovenia - Modul 1

ÄrtzInnen, PhysiotherapeutInnen, OsteopathInnen
27.-29. 09. 2024 


  • basics of FDM 
  • principles of FDM diagnosis and treatment 
  • FDM treatment of knee, ankle and shoulder 
  • patient treatments "coram publico"


In all basic seminars, the handles are mutually learned and practiced between participants. Atually, Invited patients are treated immedeately by the lecturer, so that each participant can get an idea of ​​the effectiveness and treatment process itself.


Termin Eigenschaften

Datum, Uhrzeit 27.09.2024
Termin-Ende 29.09.2024
Einzelpreis € 480,00
Vortragender 1 Vortragende(r) mit Link
Ort Ljubljana

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